Dec 27, 2010

Google Calendar Tip

I don't have anything crafty to share today, but a techie tip that I found to be very useful!!

I currently use Google Calendar to post the Class Schedule for Pineapple Cove. I also use it as my personal calendar which syncs up with my phone...this is great because I just need to input once and all my applications sync with the Google Calendar, where I can store both personal & work related events. If you haven't tried it can find out more information here.

I love this calendar...but the one thing that bothered me the most about it was that the Title of the events did not word-wrap on the screen. So it looked like events were being truncated and I would have to click on the link just to read the title. Argh....a little frustrating.

Surfing for a solution on the web today, it looks like Google hasn't "fixed" this little issue yet. BUT, thankfully, there's some plug-ins that you can install which will take care of this problem. So I thought I would share how you can get your Google Calendar view to word-wrap the events so you can read them better on the computer screen.

Please keep in mind, I'm just passing along information that I found on another website. The installation worked perfectly for my PC computer. I don't know if this is MAC compatible, and results may differ for your computer, so please install at your own risk. =)

You MUST be using Mozilla Firefox for this to work. Click Here for the original article where I found the solution.

1. Install the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox (if you don't already have it). You can find it HERE.

2. You will be prompted to re-start Firefox.

3. Install the Better GCal ADd-On. You can find it HERE.

4. You will be prompted to re-start Firefox again.

5. Done!! Now you can visit our Calendar of Events and have no problem reading the schedule.

=) Hope this helps!! I'm working on some classes now to add to January's class schedule. Will post photos when they are complete and scheduled.

Thanks and Happy New Year!!

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