Showing posts with label Digi Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digi Tips. Show all posts

Oct 17, 2009

Digi Know...PSEv7 Tip #5

You could re-set your tools? If your tools are acting strange and not doing what you know they should be doing, try resetting the tool. On the far left side of the options bar, click the tool's icon and choose "Reset Tool." You can reset all of the tools in the toolbox to their default settings at once by choosing "Reset All Tools."

Oct 10, 2009

Digi Know...PSEv7 Tip #4

You could set your text to wrap? When using the text tool, the default is to type one straight line. It will go on forever unless you press the Enter key to start a new line. Did you know you can restrict text to an area by drawing a text box? Activate the text tool in the toolbox, and click & drag on an image to create a text box the size of the text area you desire. Start typing in the box & your text will automatically start a new line & stay inside the box.

To start a new line, press Enter once. To start a new paragraph, press Enter twice.

This is a great way to add text to a flyer or scrapbook page and control exactly where the text is placed on the page.

Oct 3, 2009

Digi Know...PSEv7 Tip #3

You could see a sample of your fonts when deciding which one to use? Simply Go to Edit > Preferences > Type and check the box for Font Preview Size. Choose a size from the dropdown menu from Small to Huge. When the text tool is active, click the font menu on the options bar to see the font samples.

Sep 26, 2009

Digi Know...PSEv7 Tip #2

You could zoom in and out of an image with your mouse scroll wheel in Photoshop Elements 7.0? To quickly zoom in and out on an image in the work area, set your mouse scroll wheel to zoom by going to Edit > Preferences > General (Ctrl + K) and check the Zoom with Scroll Wheel box. Click OK to exit the preferences dialog. Scroll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in and backward to zoom out.

Sep 19, 2009

Digi Know...PSEv7 Tip #1

Photoshop Elements v.7 allows you to change the darkness and brightness of your user interface..yay, finally!! Go to Edit > Preferences > General (Ctrl + K). You can either move the slider or type in a value in the percentage box to set the perfect brightness for your monitor. Clikc OK to exit the preferences dialog box.

Crafting Success: Craft Fair Checklist for Packing Essentials

Craft fairs are bustling events where creativity shines, and artisans share their unique creations with the world. Whether you're a seas...