Craft Edge, the developers of SCAL for the Cricut die cutting machines is having another promotion - they are offering 10% off the price of their SCAL software. In a nutshell, SCAL lets you cut files on your Cricut machine without cartridges. You can cut any True Type font installed on your computer, including dingbats (shapes) as well as cut using SVG file images.
Latest SCAL Coupon code is for 10% off and will expire Nov. 30, 2009.
SCAL Coupon Code: 9794821
Below are links to the website to find out more information and to purchase SCAL. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Click on links below to:
UPGRADE - Existing SCAL users wanting to upgrade to SCAL v2.
PURCHASE - New users wanting to purchase the latest SCAL v2.
LEARN MORE - More information on Sure Cuts A Lot
Nov 23, 2009
Crafting Success: Craft Fair Checklist for Packing Essentials
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