This one's from the g/f Kim...she made the yummy candy apple. I have to admit, I've never eaten candy apple before. How do you even start? Yum!! Thanks Kim!

Next one is from Leslie...candy corn! I love that she altered a zip lock container. So cute with the ric-rak ribbon & ruffleles underneath the lid that isn't showing too well in the pix. Love it Les!!

Claudie gave me this adorable bath's too pretty to open & use. I think she used Mango Luau the colors...oh, it's our Pineapple Cove colors. I'll share the mini album she made to go with the gift set in another post. Thanks Claudie..I'm really going to miss you!!

Mother & Daughter team - Susan & Jennifer gave me this gift box with amazing coloring & detail of some TGF digi's. Love the kraft box and all the little details she the spider embossing, web & spider cut-out. It's so cute! Mahalo Susan & Jennifer!!

Another mother & daughter team - Misty & Trisha gifted me this goodie bag filled with chocolates....and a handmade Hello Kitty pillow case! Look closely, it's Hello Kitty as a mummy...this is such an adorable print she got from Jo Ann's! Can't wait to go home and use it!

Love it all!!! Thanks so much my friends, you all inspire me and have such big hearts and contagious smiles. Love you all!!
Have a safe & fun Halloween everyone!!